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Projects that highlight our qualities and experience

Maildrill Hero
Laravel Web Responsive

Development, DESIGN


Updating visual communication for our brand and creating a coherent image internally and improving our user experience towards our clients.

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Cellphone with a music app on the screen called "Radio Corriente X"

Development, UX DESIGN

Radio Corriente X

A platform that connects rock bands with new fans, addressing the immediate needs of hundreds of bands in Guadalajara

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Development, UX DESIGN

Prenota e Vai

The restaurant reservation system, simple and fast

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Foto De Pareja Feliz Con Tarjeta En Mano

Development, DESIGN

Reward Program

Loyalty rewards management system made simple

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Macbook Air Editor Maildrill Fondo Solido

Development, UX DESIGN


AI-Powered email marketing SaaS application

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Mujer Con Dos Perros Sonriendo

Development, Web design


Application for a social initiative to rescue and adopt pets in Italy

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