Radio Corriente X: Connecting and Empowering Independent Rock Bands

Daniel Benitez

Daniel Benítez

17 July, 2024

Cellphone with a music app on the screen called "Radio Corriente X"
Rough Wall Posters


"Radio Corriente X" is a music project aimed at helping emerging bands expand their reach. The platform connects rock bands with new fans, addressing the immediate needs of hundreds of bands in Guadalajara. These bands often struggle with non-standardized promotion across social media, making it difficult for them to be discovered and contacted by event organizers, private parties, and a broader audience.



Showcase the development agency's capability to rapidly create and launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), focusing on standardizing band information and providing a platform for discovery and growth. We mapped the user journey of these bands and we created brand elements to develop a UI that matches the overall look and feel of Radio Corriente X.

Our approach

Standardize Information: Create a uniform way for bands to present their information.

Build a Discovery Platform: Develop a space where bands can be easily found by fans and event organizers.

Foster a Community: Provide a platform where bands can be inspired by others, learn, and grow.

Mockups Casestudy Rcx


In the frontend, the Nuxt3 framework was used, a modern technology based on Vue.js for building websites. Nuxt3 was chosen for its multiple functionalities, including simple page routing and composables, which are functions within the framework that allow for more efficient and faster data fetching. Although Nuxt3 offers various ways to render the application, a static site rendered on the server (SSR) was chosen. This choice significantly improves the site's loading speed, reduces server resource consumption, and allows the page to be hosted on shared servers. Additionally, search engines improve the site's SEO score, contributing to better positioning in search results. For styling, TailwindCSS was implemented, a modern tool that facilitates the creation of attractive and responsive designs quickly and easily.



For the backend development, the Laravel framework was chosen, known for its great versatility in building applications. Laravel was complemented with Filament, which offers a wide range of components and facilitates the creation of administration panels. This is especially useful as it allows focusing on the main functionality without having to rebuild the entire application from scratch. Filament's components significantly reduce development times by providing tools to handle images, JSON, texts, and booleans in an intuitive and user-friendly way. The combination of Laravel and Filament ensures a robust, efficient, and easy-to-maintain backend, enhancing the experience for both developers and site administrators.


Tech stack

The integration of Nuxt3 and Laravel with Filament in Radio Corriente X creates a coherent and functional platform, improving data flow and user-server interaction. This approach not only optimizes site performance but also facilitates maintenance and scalability as the user base grows.

The use of static rendering minimizes server requests, improving site speed and SEO performance. Additionally, a press kit is offered for the standardized promotion of bands. The platform is designed to allow bands to unleash their creativity with the best possible user experience, expanding its capabilities as it grows.

  • Nuxt3.js
  • Vue.js
  • Filament
  • Laravel
  • Tailwind
  • Figma